2025 Conference Theme: Breaking The Silence and Silos Around Youth Mental Health
Hyatt Regency New Orleans
July 17-19, 2025
The NeurodivURGENT Conference is a three-day, highly interactive hybrid event designed to serve as a catalyst for collaboration around issues that directly impact the plights of underserved youth facing neurocognitive challenges. By intentionally curating interdisciplinary panels, workshops, roundtable discussions and keynote presentations that explore different sides of the same issues, this event is positioned to spark innovative partnerships and assist professionals in gaining better understandings of how their respective roles fit into the larger neurodiversity ecosystem.

Are you...
...committed to breaking the silence and the silos that exist in the fight for accessible youth mental health resources?
...ready to do the collaborative work necessary to bring about sustainable change?
...NOT afraid to disrupt the status quo?
If so, THIS is the event for YOU!
Participating disciplines include: law/legal profession, education, social work, psychology, neuroscience, public health, policy/public service and medicine.
Using data collected from the event, conference hosts will develop a written comprehensive report highlighting key take-aways. This published deliverable will streamline next steps toward improving the plights of neurodivergent youth.
Continuing Education Credits currently being sought for select fields. Additional information forthcoming.

Media/Press Partnership Opportunities Available
Interested in covering The NeurodivURGENT Conference as a media/press partner? Email us at neurodivURGENT@practegy.org to learn more.