Call For Posters and Presenters
The NeurodivURGENT team is currently seeking undergraduate, graduate, and professional students who have done equity-centered research and/or field work on behalf of neurodivergent youth in the following disciplines: law/legal profession, education, social work, psychology, neuroscience, public health, policy/public service and medicine
Emphasis must be placed on one or more of the following five (5) areas: cognition & learning, rehabilitative justice, behavioral and emotional health, equitable access to screening and treatment and/or caregiver support.
Submission Types:
Participants may apply to showcase their work through the submission of posters and/or presentation proposals. All entries will be peer-reviewed and selected based on rubric criteria provided in submission instructions.​
Research/Field Work Posters:
Selected posters will remain on exhibit for the entirety of the conference. Those who have submitted winning posters will be allotted time to share their work and engage with conference attendees during the two-hour poster session.
Research/Field Work Presentations:
Selected presenters will be allotted 30 minutes each to share their research and/or field work and an additional 5-10 minutes for Q & A. Final presentations and all other visual aids must be submitted in advance to ensure an efficient, engaging, and pleasant experience for all.​
Submission Portal Opens:
(Guidelines, rubrics, and submission instructions will also be provided at this time.)
Friday, February 21, 2025
Submission Deadline:
Friday, March, 28, 2025 at 11:59 PM CST
Decisions Emailed:
Friday, April 18, 2025